Protecting Your Children’s Rights After a Divorce
As a parent, you are deeply concerned about the well-being of your children. At Pickett Law Firm, PLLC, we share your concern.
We work to develop a parenting plan that includes child custody, visitation, and child support solutions that protect our client’s rights. Our top priority will be enabling you to enjoy rich and meaningful relationships with your children.
Contact us for a free consultation. An attorney at Pickett Law Firm can review your case and discuss the steps our firm can take to help you achieve your goals.
Child Support
Our firm can address all matters relating to child support, including:
In Florida, the level of child support is determined by the incomes of the parents, the child's residency time with each parent, the needs of the child, and certain experiences. It is important to account for all of these factors when calculating the support level.
Our founding attorney has a Master’s Degree in Finance and understands how to accurately calculate child support and will work to protect your rights during and after divorce.

Duval County Move Away Custody Attorney
A parent cannot simply relocate with a child to another state or more than 50 miles away if the other parent has a time-sharing agreement in place or a pending time-sharing case.
The court may allow such a move, but only when it is satisfied that the proposed child relocation is in the “best interest of the child.” If you are a parent wishing to relocate, or if you have visitation rights and wish to prevent the relocation of your child, you need effective legal representation.
At Pickett Law Firm, P.L.L.C., we have successfully represented a number of parents in both situations. We understand the law regarding child relocations and will work diligently to protect your rights at all stages of the legal process.
Contact us for a free consultation. An attorney at our firm can review your situation and discuss your legal options.
If you wish to prevent the removal of a child, our firm can seek an emergency injunction that blocks the move, pending a final ruling by the court.
Protecting Your Custody and Visitation Rights
Sometimes, a judge will issue an order which allows the move immediately. In most cases, however, the relocating parent can get 30 days in which to respond.
Our firm will examine all of the relevant facts in your case. We will prepare your case thoroughly and work with determination to achieve your goals.

Negotiation, Mediation, or Litigation?
In some cases, it may be possible for us to negotiate an acceptable visitation solution. These often involve the provision of extra time with the child to the non-relocating parent during holiday periods and the summer months. The alternative is usually litigation to prevent the move.
We will discuss your situation, explain the costs and potential risks of litigation and help you decide how to proceed. If your decision is to proceed with litigation, Pickett Law Firm will vigorously represent you to protect your rights and achieve your goals.
If you are in the process of divorce, we can work to insert a relocation clause in the final judgment which allows or disallows a relocation, or places certain conditions on any future move.
Free Consultation With a Lawyer
For a free consultation with Pickett Law Firm in Jacksonville, Florida, call 904-356-7LAW (529)